English, asked by ALIA124421, 3 months ago

Imagine that you are the In charge of Cleanliness committee of your class. Your class

teacher asked you to prepare a notice requesting all the students and other subject

teachers of your class to attend the meeting to talk about not to write or paste

unnecessary things on your classroom walls.

Now, draft a notice in about 50 words including the date, timing and venue of the



Answered by psrsaphy


School staff who support your students' learning may attend the conference, too. An administrator might attend at your request, or the request of a parent or guardian. Some teachers like students to attend part of the meeting to show that parents and educators are both part of the instructional team.

Here are a few tips on getting the most out of your conferences:

Before the Conference

Get informed. Make sure you're familiar with your school's or school district's protocols on progress reports or report cards, grading policies, and any other student assessment tools. As you move through the conference, the report card or progress report can be a springboard for discussion and help guide you through the meeting. Also, have any local or state standardized tests results available to share, if possible. Make sure you know how the standardized testing data will be used to customize or differentiate instruction for students.

Prepare your materials. Preparing materials well before the conference will make you feel more at ease when families show up at your classroom door. As you're teaching during the school year, keep in mind which assessments will be shared and reported at conferences. Review student data, assignments and assessments that you'll be sharing with parents, and make notes about what you'd like to ask parents about their children to support learning.

In addition to progress reports, you may want to set aside separate conference folders with three to five student documents that support grades and progress, as well as any test results that are available.

You can also prepare an outline or agenda for conferences and share them with parents so they know what to expect. Some teachers keep worksheets with strengths, needs, and social or behavioral notes to guide them through conferences.

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