English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Imagine that you have been granted three wishes , what would you wish for and why ? justify the order of priority .

words limit :- 250- 300 words.


Answered by Anonymous
Hello friend,

It would be my pleasure if I get a chance to complete my 3 wishes!

#My first wish -- To completely remove dowry system from India which is still a drawback!

★Firstly, what is dowry system??

Dowry system is a practice in which grooms side demands a huge amount of money!

★Is it a good practice??

No, not at all! This creates a lot of pressure on brides family! 

★Disadvantages of this practice!??

→It's a major drawback that is yet present in India and needs to be banned!
→It causes mental pressure on womens as well.
→It creates a lot more burden of brides family.
→It even lowers the standard of living.
→This way leads to some immoral practices like womens are ill treated,disrespected,murdered etc.
→It enhances physiological tensions and leads to the breakdown of marriages due to dowry.

Hence I feel it should be removed.

#Several laws has been made to remove this practice but not very effective! 
★Dowry prohibition act,1961
★Section 304B was added to IPC
★Protection of women from domestic violence act, 2005

#My second wish -- To eliminate Child marriage from India!

★Firstly, what is child marriage??

It is a practice in which small kids are forced into marriage that too below the age of 18 for girls and 21 below the age for boys!

★Is it a good practice??

No,it leads to a lot more effect on girls specially.

★Disadvantages of this practice!??

→Responsibilities are shouldered at a young age.
→In the age when they should study they were expected to give birth to a child.
→This way their fun life of teenage got disturbed.
→Causes early tensions and stress among the couple.
→In most of the cases breakdown of marriages takes place.
→There education suffers.
→Health issues specially with girls because they got pregnant at a young age.
→There career got affected as they got low paid jobs because of low level of education.
→In fact the child gets married when it is in mother's worm.

Hence,this needs to be banned from India.

#Laws against this practice are :-
★The child marriage restraint act of 1929
★The prohibition of child marriage Act ,2006

#My last wish-- To eliminate Child Labour from India!

★Firstly,what is child labour??

It is a practice in which small kids are forced to do work /to get employed to an industry,in any business etc.

★Is it a good practice??

No, it's not a good practice at all! It affects the child in many ways.

★Disadvantages of child labour!??

→Forced into hazardous working conditions.
→Forced to do odd jobs.... illegal jobs!
→There education suffers.
→This leads to their health to deteriorate.
→Snatches the fun life of kids.
→Child got stuck in doing poor quality jobs.
→Poorly paid for their hard jobs 
→This way they were more prone to physical and mental abuses.

Hence we want this should be banned in India.

# Several laws were made against this practice!
★ The Child Labour Act, 1986.
★ The Factories Act, 1948
★ The Mines Act, 1952
★ The Bonded Labour System Abolition Act

#Articles were also made:-
★Article 24
★Article 21,45
★Article 39


Hope I will be able to fulfill my these wishes in future!


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