History, asked by hailssapphire846, 1 year ago

Imagine the world 100 years into the future.

How has life changed?


Answered by abhishek91466

in future robot can take place of man a person

Answered by aaradhyagupta43

It would seem that, for as long as humanity has existed, we’ve been wondering what the world will look like in the future. This has been especially true since the Industrial Revolution, when technology started to advance at an exponential rate.

With so much going on, it’s no surprise why people wondered what new and exciting advances would change their lives.

These 20 prints from late 19th- and early 20th-century artists show just how they imagined the world might look 100 years in the future. Now that we’re living in those times, how do you think their predictions compare?

1. It wasn’t that long ago that we were promised flying cars, but people living in the last century took it a step further by imagining flying taxis. It makes you wonder how exactly one would hail an aero-cab from the ground. Unfortunately, that’s a question for another day; it looks it’s still going to be a long time from now before our current cars leave the ground.

2 3. Speaking of flying cars, how about flying fugitives? Folks evidently thought that, in the future, police officers would be able to pursue criminals through the air. Of course, the bad guys would be airborne as well, so apparently it would be a relatively even playing field.


Can you imagine how helpful it would be if we could teach children (or adults, for that matter) everything that they needed to know simply by grinding up a bunch of books? Sure, the internet pretty much grants us access to the entirety of human knowledge, but it can’t feed it all directly into our brains… yet.


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