English, asked by fatemanira80, 3 months ago

imagine there is a boat school in your area to teach river gypsy children.write a pragraph. ​


Answered by dhiyaaishan




River Gypsy Paragraph 

River Gypsies is an ethnic group in Bangladesh. They have no permanent land to live. Rather they lead a nomadic life by travelling from one place to another by boat. They have their own culture and lifestyle. They are used to living on water and have inherited from their forefathers necessary life skills to survive in waters……………………

……………..Usually, gypsies people have no education and training to adapt to mainstream modem society. Their existence has been on the edge of extinction. As the country is developing rapidly, gypsy people are losing their customers in the urban population resulting in low income. Moreover, the number of rivers and waterbodies in the country is becoming more shrunk gradually day by day. As they have no land to live, gypsy children are born and brought up on roaming boats.

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In our village, several river gypsies live on nearby water bodies. They cannot go to conventional schools. Therefore, there is a boat school for the gypsy children. At first, we went door to door with the gypsy families and tried to make them understand that they must educate their children. We have made them realize what education is and how it can remove their ignorance and can enhance their lifestyle.

Though some of the river gypsy people did not pay heed to our talks. However, they sent their children later to our school. As all of us the students at different educational institutions, we cannot run the boat-school during our school period. Therefore, we had to run the school in the afternoon after our school went off. We gave them books, homework, and other educational materials for free so that they can be more interested in reading and writing. We also gave them prizes each day for their performance in homework so that they

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