English, asked by gourihima09, 2 months ago

imagine you are a lady reporter allowed the rituals of the woman on the island of Kadavu.Draft a live tv report​


Answered by abinandp


Good morning Abc state, this is your very own reporter Reya reporting live from Namuana village.

On this bright sunny morning, Namuana village is going to witness a spectacular sight - the calling of tortoises.

Many people have gathered here and are enjoying the sight. This is Reya reporting from XYZ news.



Answered by tushargupta0691


                                             Live TV Report

Draft a live TV report on the island of kadavu.

Now I am standing in front of the sea where the women of kadavu are about to start the chant . Almost every year this ritual is performened but no one ever witness this mesmerizing event. because there is a belife that if any one from other village will be present over here this holy act will not be a sussecessful thing.i will give a brief about you this activity is preformed by women of this village to rise turtles to the sea and there should no one allowed to present from other village i being born and brought up in this village i have right to witness this holy act and share with you over the tv.this act is preformed over the years

The strange ritual of calling turtles from the sea is still practised by the women of Namuana village. The village maidens gather on the rocks above the water and begin to sing a melodious chant. Giant turtles slowly rise to the surface, one by one, to listen to the strange chanting.

thus i will be signing off over here thankyou

From kadavu  with cameramen joe reporting James Shirley.


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