English, asked by reddymanjula722, 2 months ago

Imagine you are a news reporter. You have been assigned to conduct a survey of villages that still need toilets at home. Write a news report on the dreadful conditions that people are still facing due to lack of knowledge and conservative thinking.​


Answered by dhrubaroy989


8. Gold ornaments are sold by a jeweller. what is the passive voice of this.

Answered by sofiyashaikh2701


I _______ from ______ news channel . will tell you today about the unheigein village which is still after the swaach bharat abhiyan. the ________ ( village name or adress ) .

Doesn't have a toilet . womens , children, mens go in the fields for their motion etc . it is dangerous for kids to go in fields at midnight . for female heigein is harmfull so they are suffering from this problem . would request the government for take care of this

if you want to write more

you can take village public opinion

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