imagine you are a reporter you are asked to report on the event show write a report on this strange remember your report should carry a headline a byline and a Dateline the first paragraph of your report must all the report what happened where it happened when it happened how it happened who was affected and so on
a heartbreaking incident took place recently which destroyed many lives and affected the nearby area this report is by reporter x cameraman y this incident took place on.....
in Mumbai maharashtra
a pedestrian walking pull fell down and broke into pieces it is said that because of the heavy load and the passengers walking it could not carry and it broke as per as we are informed yet 50 people died due to this we are very sad about the incident thank god a few people kissed the death but are still alive injured people have been driven to the hospital and the dead bodies have been sent to the houses and they will be financially helped by the government
The government should take steps because it is very harmful for the public as it can block the roads and the transportation will be stopped and they should reconstruct it
thank you