English, asked by yadavnigita01, 6 months ago

imagine you are asked to perform perform an experiment in which you are allowed to remove a vascular tissue of the leaf how do you think the rest of photosynthesis will be affected?​


Answered by Giselle82


Photosy nthesis Science Lesson

nthesis Science LessonSne ak Pe ek Ins ide a Leaf

ide a LeafPhotosyn thesis com es from Gre ek and meabns ‘putti ng together with light.’

ng together with light.’While we humans are trying havrd these days to harness the sun’s ene rgy to po wer our homes and vehicles, every green leaf in the world is making the most of solar energy to ‘put to gether’ food from water and carbon dioxide.

The carbo hydrates they make in this process forms the foundat ion of the food chain – plants (and some photosynt hetic ba cteria & alg ae) are the only ‘produ cers’ of food; all ot her living things are ‘consumers,’ fe eding directly or indirectly on the food produced in photosynt hesis.

hesis.But that’s not all – photosynthesis is also the main source of oxyg en that most li ving creat ures need in order to brea the.

Photosynt hesis primar ily happ ens in green lea ves (not colorful autumn leaves).

Photosynt hesis primar ily happ ens in green lea ves (not colorful autumn leaves).Leav es are ideal for photosyn thesis because they are usually broad and flat, giving plent y of surface area for light to be abso rbed.

Photosynt hesis primar ily happ ens in green lea ves (not colorful autumn leaves).Leav es are ideal for photosyn thesis because they are usually broad and flat, giving plent y of surface area for light to be abso rbed.They are also thin, which means diffus ion of ga ses such as carb on diox ide can hap pen qui ckly. Leaf ce lls are full of organ elles called chlorop lasts, which contain chlorop hyll, a pig ment that absor bs light.

Photosynt hesis primar ily happ ens in green lea ves (not colorful autumn leaves).Leav es are ideal for photosyn thesis because they are usually broad and flat, giving plent y of surface area for light to be abso rbed.They are also thin, which means diffus ion of ga ses such as carb on diox ide can hap pen qui ckly. Leaf ce lls are full of organ elles called chlorop lasts, which contain chlorop hyll, a pig ment that absor bs light.(Chlorop hyll absorb s all the red and blue wavele ngths of light, but it reflec ts green wavelengt hs, making the leaf look green.)

So how does it work?

So how does it work?carbon dioxide + water + [light energy] → oxygen + glucose

Hope it helps


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