Imagine you are Margie of The Fun They Had. write a diary entry on how delighted you were to see the book, which tommy had discovend in the attic, Also mention how this discovery made you wonder about the schools in the days of your grandfather's guandfather-Date your entry as 17th May 2157 (word limit: 150 words).
its your answer☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Margie's diary entry on seeing a real book
Friday, 17th May 2157
Time: 11:00 p.m.
Dear Diary
Today was such an eventful day! Tommy found a ‘real book’ in the attic. I had never seen a book before. The book had crinkled pages that had yellowed over the years. There were words printed on each page, and the words remained there no matter how many times I opened or shut the book. The hardest part of reading it was that the words did not move at all. The book was about school. A school was a building where children went to study. They all sat together, learnt the same thing and enjoyed being taught by a human! It sounds very strange, but I am certain that they had a lot of fun at school. I wish I too could go to the school that my grandfather's grandfather went to. What an experience it must have been!
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