English, asked by sangr610, 6 months ago

Imagine you are Paulo, the guide in

Passage A. The day after these events

you write a letter to a friend

describing your experience taking the

writer on their hang-gliding tri​


Answered by riya6578


Lesson IV


I dream of becoming a writer. I enjoy reading and I am I in love with words. Wher

I read I get carried away by the language as well as by the ideas. I work hare

improving my language. I make it a point to learn new words every day and

use them when I write. When I write down my thoughts I feel relaxed and

happy. I am confident enough to show my writings to the world. May be I need

to hone my skills but I will strive to be a writer one day.

That is my dream. I have written a passage which can be termed as subjective style of

writing. Now how would you define your dream?

Write a passage about your experience as a school student.

b. Write about first day at college.

Write a paragraph about your dream job.

d. Write a paragraph about a rainy day.

Write a paragraph about mobile phones.



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