English, asked by madhumitaborah765, 10 months ago

Imagine you are Rakesh sharma write a diary entry how you felt when are selected to fly in space
You are Rakesh sharma write a diary entry on how you felt when u are selected to fly iin space


Answered by parmendersangwan2002


There was jubilation in India when the first Indian spent a week in space with Russian cosmonauts in their space laboratory Salyut-7. The mission, to carry out various experiments, was highly successful.


Exactly 23 years later on a freezing spring evening at Baikonur cosmodrome on the vast greyish-brown steppes of Soviet Kazakhstan, 2,000 km from Moscow, Gagarin's words were proving prophetic. Wearing pearly white space suits with sea blue linings and crouched like racing car drivers inside the cramped module of the Soyuz T-11 spacecraft were Soviet cosmonauts Yuri Malyshev and Gennady Strekalov - and Indian cosmonaut, Rakesh Sharma, his bunny grin hidden behind a bubble visor.

himansugogoi: It is so bad
RafiUddinAhmed: yes and it's not proper
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