English, asked by skpate99, 4 months ago

Imagine you are SITA AGARWAL the Head Girl of EDIFY SCHOOL CHHINDWARA. Write a notice

more than 50 words regarding a Tree Plantation Drive on the occasion of Vana -Mahotsava Day​


Answered by djana3521



Tree plantation drive on Vana-Mahostav Day

25 th June, 2021

9:00 a.m. to 12p.m.

playground, EDIFY SCHOOL Chhindwara

All the students of classes X to XII who are willing to take part in the Tree plantation drive on the occasion of Vana-Mahostav Day must register their names with their respective class teachers on or before 22nd June, 2021.

Sita Aggarwal


Answered by TwilightShine

Answer :-


Edify School, Chhindwara

\underline{\rm NOTICE}

25th June, 20xx

Tree plantation drive.

This is to inform all the secondary school students that a tree plantation drive is being organised on the occasion of Van Mohotsav Day. Interested are requested to give their names to the Head Girl. The

Classes: VIII - XII.

Time: School Hours Only.

Venue: School Garden.



Sita Agarwal

Head Girl


Points to remember :-  


  • A notice must always be kept inside a box.

  • The word "NOTICE" must always be written in the middle.

  • A notice must be written upto the point with only necessary information.

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