English, asked by deepaliverma2212, 21 hours ago

Imagine you are the White Elephant. Narrate to your mother how you resisted and fought with the forester and the trainers when they came to capture them


Answered by dibyadwas


This is the story about a herd of elephants who could talk like human beings.

The finest animal was a white elephant but his mother was old and blind. Once the elephant suggested his mother to live in distant cave as the food that he gathered for his mother was often stolen by other animals. His mother agreed and they left that place.

Once, the white elephant heard the cries coming out from the great forest "This is a sound of man" said the white elephant. Now he wanted to help the man. When he was going, his mother warned him and said "your goodness will be rewarded by treachery".

But the white elephant didn't hear his mother and went to help the man. When he reached near the man, he knew that the man was a forester. He said the white elephant that he had been lost in woods for the last seven days and wanted to go back to Benares.

The white elephant helped the man to climb on his back. White elephant carried him to his home.

Forester was a greedy and a cunning man. He knew that when he left Benares, the king's favorite elephant was died. After reaching Benares he went to the king and asked for some trainers to capture the white elephant. King allowed. The forester had cunningly noted the land mark to lake.

The white elephant tried to escape but the trainers pursued him and soon succeeded in capturing him. The poor, old blind mother was waiting for his son to return.

But few days later trainers came to king and said "your majesty, the white elephant is very sick and will eat nothing."

King went to him and asked the reason.

"Great king" answered the elephant mournfully, "All I desire is to return to my poor blind mother in the forest, for while she is alone and starving, how can I eat."

King was a noble man. He said "your goodness puts mankind to shame. I give you freedom to return to your mother at once.

The elephant thanked the king with a loud trumpeting and left the city. He went crushing back through the forest. When he reached the cave, he found to his joy that his mother was still alive.

"Ah, my son", She replied after listening his son's story. “You should have listened to me. Human beings have always brought harm to our race."

"Not all of them, mother", He said victoriously. "The king was a noble and generous or I should still be in captivity. Let us forget the treachery and think only of the king's goodness!

Hope this helps

Answered by ksupreet16


The finest animal was in white elephant but his mother was old as blind .One day a forest was industry's his mother said don't go my child to help the man in the chest but he didn't hear his mother and went to help the man in distress .He had been lost in world for the last seven days and wanted to go back to Banaras city . Forester was very greedy and a cunning man he knew that King favourite white elephant was died so he go to the king and ask for some trainers to capture him the king also went with them but the white elephant was also very cunning .When they came and the white elephant say please let me go my mother is very old and blind let me go please. The king said oh !my child you can go I do not want that your mother die with hunger. He narrate this story to his mother and she said let forgot about the trechery and thought about king kindness.

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