English, asked by naazmeensyed313, 6 months ago

Imagine you are watching TV and suddenly a lion entered your home.What will you do?

Who says correct answer I will give thanks and mark as brainlist ​


Answered by salomibaraiud123


I will be scared and I will shout 'lion came in our house' And I will run to another room and close the door . And I will not open the door until the lion goes from our house .

Answered by ImpressAgreeable4985

The most expected answer to this question is given in many stories.

When a lion enters your room then follow the following steps:

Stop your movement

Lie down peacefully

Act like you are dead

Stop breathing heavily

Stop breathing for a while when the lion is sniffing you

The lion will assume that you are dead and will leave you.

My answer:

First think about how he entered your room. He can't use his any body part to open the door. Then check out whether the lion is possesing sharp claws and teeth. If no then you are lucky. But if he does then check whether he is filled or not. If he is hungry and is going to pounce on you anytime, then just close your eyes and stop ………. Dreaming.

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