imagine you as a letter traveling through time
It is with a lot of joy that I tell you my story and feelings. I
am as old as the feelings of love and affection among people. People write me
to convey their whereabouts, feelings and welfare to their beloved or relatives
or friends.
As old as 2, 000 BCE royal couriers of kingdoms used me to send
information to kings of neighbouring countries. That time I was a grand letter,
written on cloth and decorated very nicely. Only around 1650s post offices have
been established in England officially for use by public. Other countries too
established post offices soon. Since then I have been traveling places
all around the world. Previous centuries I was carried by trained pigeons
flying across the skies.
I like and love to travel. It gives me great pleasure when people
receive me and read me with surprise, suspense, expectation and joy in their
faces. I feel so content that I even forget my tiredness after traveling long
I feel so tired and torn sometimes when I am handled roughly. In
some places they put hundreds of me in bundles and send me through trains,
buses, vans and over air planes too. I (aerogram) like flying. I in
the form of Inland letters or postcards help people communicate with
compatriots. I am very cheap too in the form of post cards.
I Love carrying love messages to their loved, and children's
messages to their parents. I have no bar on age, caste, nationality, and
I request you all to write only nice things in me. Close me
properly using good adhesive in good covers. Some people use weak covers to put
me in. So during the travel I get torn and crumpled. I don't like it at all.
I carry the address on my top. So the postal people carry me like
their infants to that destination. They put me in the post box of the destined
receivers. I wait there until I am picked up.
Long ago I was sent only through Post Offices. Since a few
decades, I travel more by the help of private couriers. They take more care of
me in their parceling and delivery. They charge high price too for delivering
I travel from remote villages to major cities in the world sans
frontiers. It takes time to travel, but it is always a beautiful journey that I
go on. I am sure in future I will travel to space stations in the sky, to Moon
and other planets. It will take a century perhaps, but I will travel to Moon.
Your grandchildren will then send me to their pen friends on the Moon.
You know during the previous two millennia, there was countless
number of wars throughout the world. I saw and also recorded all of them. Many
soldiers feel so happy to write on me to their families living far away. They also
feel encouraged in their hearts to read about their families and children.
During the wars the soldiers love to know about their families. Their families
are worried a lot about the soldiers. I am the one who connects them all.
The older I am the more precious I become. The letters written by great leaders to contemporary leaders decades and centuries ago are invaluable memoirs. They are carefully preserved. I am like old vine. The older I am more valuable I become.
I travel to the North Pole every December in great numbers. I do
so good to you that Santa Claus brings you gifts that you asked through me.
So friends, write me, and write me more and more. The more
you write your handwriting improves and your joy increases. Of course, I like
it too.
Letter is a heart opened !
Write your heart out in a letter !
Move the hearts of your reader !
Use me a lot to
Link Strongly with friends !
My message to you:
Don't stop writing ! Send me to friends all over the world. Use me in spite of having mobile phones and computers even in this 21st century. I wish not be forgotten and be obsolete. As long as human values exist, feelings of connection, affection and love exist among friends and families, you all need me.
I am timeless traveller through the Universe. I am ageless and deathless. I serve the mankind. I am born to serve like Sun, Moon and the stars in the sky.
hope this answer useful to you