imagine you get an oppurtunity to interview julian koepcke. prepare a qiestionaire ( A set of 5 questions is enough)
Answer: 1. What did Juliane’s father prepare to welcome Juliane?
2. Where did Juliane board the plane to Pucallpa with her mother?
3. How many passengers were there on board Lock-heed- Electra?
4. When did the plane from Lima take off to Pucallpa?
5. What did Juliane watch once the plane took off?
6. What did the stewardesses do while the other passengers were asleep?
7. When were the passengers asked to fasten the seat belts?
8. Where is air turbulence a usual experience?
9. When were the first screams heard?
10. When did Juliane realize that she was no longer inside the plane?
11. Why did Juliane remain lying under the seat belt all night after the crash?
12. What reminded Juliane that it was a Christmas Day?
13. What did Juliane’s parents teach her about the dangers of the jungle?
14. What does one find along the river Rio Ucayali?
15. According to Juliane’s parents, what should one look for when lost in the jungle?
16. Why did Juliane try to find Rio Ucayali?