Imagine yourself to be Mr.Keesing, Anne's maths teacher. Write a diary describing your experience with a talkative girl but intelligent student Anne Frank.
Today was a wonderful day! I had a student named Anne Frank. She is a very good student. She is an intelligent student eventhough she is quite talkative. I am so grateful to teach a student like her!
Please mark as brainliest!
Format of diary entry -
Now, the diary written by Mr. Keesing, Anne's maths teacher.
6 May 2020
9:00 pm
Dear diary,
I am not able to decide how to express myself. Well, I had a good day. I am not able to forget the little girl Anne Frank. She is a very talkative girl. She disturbs the whole class. Once she was talking much, so I gave her extra homework as a punishment. The homework was to write an essay on the topic 'The Chatterbox' of three pages. I thought she would fail to write but I was wrong. She wrote it about her trait, she had inherited the trait from her mother and she can not do anything. She wrote a wonderful essay. After reading the essay I had no control over my laughter.
She is a very intelligent girl. She has amazing creativity.
More information -
Mr. Keesing is a character of the 'From the diary of Anne Frank'.