English, asked by hencyphom, 11 months ago

Imagine yourself to be the Prime Minister of
India. Write a speech for the citizens about
respecting the
different religions of our country.​


Answered by Msaikrishna2005


religion is is not the differentiation of people but it is a medium of creating unity and integration of the country. India being a diverse country having millions of people following different religions is the first country to remain in in such a condition where in any other country it would not be possible. people of India truly understand the importance of religion and their cultural belief. they also need to understand that every religion has its own freedom and every people are free to practice their religion and culture and propagate their religion.

after the division of our country into India and Pakistan give a great wound to us and such a partition broke the unity between Hindu and Muslim but due to the the great leaders of our country e under certain constitutional amendment s every religion was given the complete right of practicing and freedom so that such a in full partition would never ever happen again.

people of India are truly a great example of unity in diversity and I wish that it in future also so they will not disappoint us.

god bless india

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