impact of air pollution on agriculture
The effects of air pollution on plants and animals may be measured by the following factors: (1) interference with enzyme systems; (2) change in cellular chemical constituents and physical structure; (3) retardation of growth and reduced production because of metabolic changes; (4) acute, immediate tissue degeneration.
The effects of air pollution on plants and animals may be measured by the following factors:
(1) interference with enzyme systems;
(2) change in cellular chemical constituents and physical structure;
(3) retardation of growth and reduced production because of metabolic changes;
(4) acute, immediate tissue degeneration. Pollutants that enter the air from sources other than agriculture and that produce plant response are classified as:
(1) acid gases;
(2) products of combustion;
(3) products of reactions in the air; and
(4) miscellaneous effluents.