Social Sciences, asked by venugopalkuna3246, 1 year ago

Impact of colonialism in african and caribbean countries


Answered by pooja11052000

The Carribeans were the most affected by colonialism out of any areas on Earth. They had the extreme bad luck to be the first spot where Columbus landed and ended up being named governor. He embarked in one of the most brutal campaigns against the locals basically exterminating the local Tainos within a few short years. The tainos that did not get sick and died due to lack of immunity to the diseases the Europeans brought with them (90%) where enslaved, tortured, mutilated and otherwise persecuted. Only 11 years after his landing on Hispaniola, the Spanish had to start importing African slaves. That speaks volumes about the level of extermination of the local population.

And this did not happen only on Hispaniola. the vast majority of the natives were exterminated throughout the Carribeans and their population replaced with African Slaves that lived under some of the most horrendous conditions in the New World. All while wave after wave of extremely unscrupulous and greedy Spanish governors and merchants and what not used the new territory for self enrichment and while the Crown used their income to wage wars across Europe and continue to the Catholic Inquisition to be one of the most destructive forces in that period of time.

So basically the colonialism meant an almost total population replacement, intense exploitation and all around hardship for anyone in the region that wasn't Spanish. But they did Christinize them, too bad they had to burn them at stake, whip, dismember and mark them with the red iron first... the miracles of 16th century civilization

Answered by barani79530


categorized according to the UN's standards because ... for it to be considered a developed nation.21 83 Despite having the largest economy in Africa, ...

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