impact of computers and mobile phones
an english essay
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English Language
The Impact Of Smart Phones On Society English Language Essay
5493 words (22 pages) Essay
1st Jan 1970 English Language Reference this
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Today people of the world have a new addiction. This new addiction is known as the smartphone. The smartphones of today have so many features that the owners of them can hardly seem to put them down just for a second. These smartphones not only offer some of the same features that a personal computer would, but they also provide a very high level of entertainment. Even with all the capabilities that smartphones offer they still require and great level of understanding and responsibility. The purpose of this paper is to help others understand the direction of smartphone technology, the ways smartphone technology changes society, understand the impact of change and manner in which we live our lives, and how smartphones could potentially create hazardous situations
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The problem is that mobile phones and other on-the-go technology emit electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation, which can be toxic to your body's cells. Hence, being overly connected can cause a number of problems – both physically and mentally.