Impact of employee grievance on employee turnover rate
This paper theoretically examined the impact of employee grievance management on organizational performance. The paper noted that effective management of employee grievance is essential for harmonious workplace relationship, bolstering of employee loyalty and commitment, as well as improvement of overall organizational productivity and performance. Conversely, lack of, or poor employee grievance management in organizations gives rise to negative organizational outcomes such as reduced productivity, absenteeism problem, disobeying of orders, indiscipline behavior and reduced quality of work. The study concluded that effective employee grievance management is vital for effective harmonious management-labour relationship which helps to enhanced organizational performance. It is recommended among others that grievances should be handle as quickly as possible as they are reported in order to ensure that the negative consequences of unresolved grievance are drastically reduced in the workplace. In addition, there should be a laid down grievance management procedure which managers will use as a guide to manage grievance occurrence within the workplace in order to ensure harmony, and improved employees morale which is important for organizational improved performance. Organizations should ensure that those in charge of employee's grievance management are well trained to enable them handle grievance and conflict issues very well, and should also educate their employees about grievance procedure arrangement available in their organization, and the need to follow laid down grievance procedure when presenting their grievances.