Impact of globalisation on sustainable development
These challenges are implicit in the various political, institutional, cultural and economic options, which this report suggests employing in order to counter the negative effects of globalisation. One such idea, of a more human approach to change and organisation, is embodied in the concept of sustainable human development. Together with “solidarity economy” and other new patterns of consumption and production, it could offer a genuine freedom of choice which would help democratise the economy, based on citizen commitment to greater social responsibility, cohesion and justice.
The report also examines the new emerging forms of political participation and world governance, which would engender greater involvement of citizens in decision-making and enable human communities to manage their interdependence and their integration into the global society in a peaceful and sustainable manner.
The rapporteur underlines that the restructuring of the global economy to make it socially, economically and ecologically sustainable presents the greatest investment opportunity in human history.
I. Draft resolution
1. Globalisation and its effects have caused anxiety worldwide about the direction that society is taking. Traditionally seen as an economic phenomenon linked with the appearance, development and consolidation of the global market, it has become connected with areas previously regarded as bearing little relevance to economic development.
2. Today globalisation may be said to be covering the expansion, deepening and acceleration at planetary level of the reciprocal connections between all aspects of community life, from culture to crime, and from finance to religion. The world is turning into a single social space, shaped by complex economic and technological forces.
3. New problems and challenges for society have emerged. Events occurring, decisions taken and measures introduced in one part of the world can have profound effects on the lives of individuals or communities in another. The impact of these changes is so immeasurable that governments and individuals can do little to contest or resist them.
4. Globalisation is characterised by four major trends: increased flows of commodities and persons, expansion and diversification of financial activities; development of communication, networks, knowledge and relationships; and increasing disparities.
5. The Assembly is concerned about the growing disparities between developed and other societies, and within societies themselves, leading to a high degree of economic stratification between rich and poor, at regional, national and global levels. Unfortunately, this difference is not shrinking, it is growing.
Impact of globalisation on sustainable development are the following:
Globalization as a much analyzed process seems to have become increasingly more attention to political and economic specialists every currently giving them different meanings.
Globalization as a much analyzed process seems to have become increasingly more attention to political and economic specialists every currently giving them different meanings.According to some analysts [1] , globalization is merely an illusion that merely sniffing the existence of nation states and the importance of minimizing them. For others, especially the means by which strategy and policy to follow is to obtain and annihilation of new markets, globalization reflect any reduction of existing barriers in the way of their expansion.
Globalization as a much analyzed process seems to have become increasingly more attention to political and economic specialists every currently giving them different meanings.According to some analysts [1] , globalization is merely an illusion that merely sniffing the existence of nation states and the importance of minimizing them. For others, especially the means by which strategy and policy to follow is to obtain and annihilation of new markets, globalization reflect any reduction of existing barriers in the way of their expansion.Presenting and analyzing the expression of a transnational phenomenon is perpetuated see how globalization occurs. Corporations have come to power even a state, some significant performance far exceeding their GDP.
Globalization as a much analyzed process seems to have become increasingly more attention to political and economic specialists every currently giving them different meanings.According to some analysts [1] , globalization is merely an illusion that merely sniffing the existence of nation states and the importance of minimizing them. For others, especially the means by which strategy and policy to follow is to obtain and annihilation of new markets, globalization reflect any reduction of existing barriers in the way of their expansion.Presenting and analyzing the expression of a transnational phenomenon is perpetuated see how globalization occurs. Corporations have come to power even a state, some significant performance far exceeding their GDP.Resources of developing states are swallowed by these corporations, nations are impoverished every day whether its own resources, human, material, energy or otherwise. Arise in strategic geographical areas, where there is significant potential advantageous in terms of available resources and activities, not least to use as a cheap labor and it can be as close as the performance they hold in the country of origin.
For example, environmental protection regulations are more stringent in the country of origin than in countries where they have implanted the new subsidiaries, and their policies in this area are designed to change the situation.
Hope it helps you