Impact of jallianwala bagh massacre in points
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Impact of Jallianwala Bagh massacre :-
# News of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre spread like fire and people all over North India started to protest
# Police and government building were attacked by the people and they went on strikes
# The colonial government reacted with brutal repression. Satyagrahis were humiliated by rubbing the nose on the ground, crawling and saluting the officers
# People were flogged and villages were bombed by the government
# Mahatma Gandhi called off the movement because of the rapid spread of violence
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- The period of 1920s marks the revolutionary satyagraha period of British India.Gandhiji formed Satyagrah for removal of British Raj without Violence.
- Governor General was FredricPeople gathered in Jallianwala Bagh Massacre some for peaceful demonstration while others for the celebration of their annual Baisakhi Fair.
- They were unknown to the new law passed by General Dyer, banning all public gathered meetings.The Jallianwalla Bagh is a public garden of about 6.27 acres , walled on all sides, with only five narrow entrances.
- On Sunday,13 April 1919, Dyer convinced a major insurrection could take place, banned all meetings.Dyer and troops entered the Garden blocked the exit point and opened fire on public.
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