Impacts of material property on human relations
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People prefer materials over the relations they think they can have more benefit from the material instead of people. While they get achieve materialistic satisfaction, the soul and mind can never be satisfied i you don not have the worthy relation in your life.
This creates depression, anxiety, greed, fights and loneliness among them
This creates depression, anxiety, greed, fights and loneliness among them
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The present state of human relations is quite grim! The once quite healthy and robust relations have become quite tenuous! The canker that has undermined the strength of human relations is materialism. What has happened to human values? The morals have gone so down that prime purpose of man's existence is pecuniary pursuits. Man has stooped so low that he sacrifices even the most sacred relations for the sake of material gains. Gone are the days of brotherly, sisterly, fatherly, or motherly love. Man can break all ties of love and respect for the sake of money and property! All ethics, etiquette, decency, and decorum have gone to dogs. Life has become merely trade, commerce and profit earning. So wherever man finds some financial gain or advantage, he honors those relations. The rest is least said the better! The fallout of all this materialistic approach to life is, restlessness, turbulence, anxiety, and never-relenting stress!
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