implement Boolean function F(A,B,C) =∑(1,3,5,6)
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?i) Yes. an 8 to 1 multiplexer can be used.
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?i) Yes. an 8 to 1 multiplexer can be used.Let the inputs be A,B, and C. 3 variables will require all 8 ( =2^3) inputs of the mux
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?i) Yes. an 8 to 1 multiplexer can be used.Let the inputs be A,B, and C. 3 variables will require all 8 ( =2^3) inputs of the muxLet A be the LSB, and C the MSB
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?i) Yes. an 8 to 1 multiplexer can be used.Let the inputs be A,B, and C. 3 variables will require all 8 ( =2^3) inputs of the muxLet A be the LSB, and C the MSBNote A’C will have to be expanded to A’BC and A’B’C
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?i) Yes. an 8 to 1 multiplexer can be used.Let the inputs be A,B, and C. 3 variables will require all 8 ( =2^3) inputs of the muxLet A be the LSB, and C the MSBNote A’C will have to be expanded to A’BC and A’B’CTerms
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?i) Yes. an 8 to 1 multiplexer can be used.Let the inputs be A,B, and C. 3 variables will require all 8 ( =2^3) inputs of the muxLet A be the LSB, and C the MSBNote A’C will have to be expanded to A’BC and A’B’CTermsABC’ is address 3, so mux input 3 must be logic 1
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?i) Yes. an 8 to 1 multiplexer can be used.Let the inputs be A,B, and C. 3 variables will require all 8 ( =2^3) inputs of the muxLet A be the LSB, and C the MSBNote A’C will have to be expanded to A’BC and A’B’CTermsABC’ is address 3, so mux input 3 must be logic 1AB’C is address 5, so mux input 5 must be logic 1
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?i) Yes. an 8 to 1 multiplexer can be used.Let the inputs be A,B, and C. 3 variables will require all 8 ( =2^3) inputs of the muxLet A be the LSB, and C the MSBNote A’C will have to be expanded to A’BC and A’B’CTermsABC’ is address 3, so mux input 3 must be logic 1AB’C is address 5, so mux input 5 must be logic 1A’ BC is address 6, mux input 6 must be logic 1
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?i) Yes. an 8 to 1 multiplexer can be used.Let the inputs be A,B, and C. 3 variables will require all 8 ( =2^3) inputs of the muxLet A be the LSB, and C the MSBNote A’C will have to be expanded to A’BC and A’B’CTermsABC’ is address 3, so mux input 3 must be logic 1AB’C is address 5, so mux input 5 must be logic 1A’ BC is address 6, mux input 6 must be logic 1A’B’C is address 4, mux input 4 must be logic 1
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?i) Yes. an 8 to 1 multiplexer can be used.Let the inputs be A,B, and C. 3 variables will require all 8 ( =2^3) inputs of the muxLet A be the LSB, and C the MSBNote A’C will have to be expanded to A’BC and A’B’CTermsABC’ is address 3, so mux input 3 must be logic 1AB’C is address 5, so mux input 5 must be logic 1A’ BC is address 6, mux input 6 must be logic 1A’B’C is address 4, mux input 4 must be logic 1Mux addresses 0.1,2, and 7. will address inputs 0,1,2, and 7 which should be tied to logic 0.
Can you implement the three-variable Boolean function (, , ) = ' + ' + ' using: (i) An 8-to-1 multiplexer, (ii) A 4-to-1 multiplexer?i) Yes. an 8 to 1 multiplexer can be used.Let the inputs be A,B, and C. 3 variables will require all 8 ( =2^3) inputs of the muxLet A be the LSB, and C the MSBNote A’C will have to be expanded to A’BC and A’B’CTermsABC’ is address 3, so mux input 3 must be logic 1AB’C is address 5, so mux input 5 must be logic 1A’ BC is address 6, mux input 6 must be logic 1A’B’C is address 4, mux input 4 must be logic 1Mux addresses 0.1,2, and 7. will address inputs 0,1,2, and 7 which should be tied to logic 0.ii) You can’t use a 4 to 1 mux by itself to implement the Boolean function F
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