Physics, asked by gazzaingorgaij, 7 months ago

importance and application of sliding friction


Answered by iTzRiYaNsH


Sliding friction is generally taken to depend linearly on the radial clamping stress on the fiber. Two sources of radial clamping stress are residual stresses from differential thermal expansion and misfit from roughness at the debonding interface (Kerans and Parthasarathy, 1991; Parthasarathy et al., 1994a, 1994b). Earlier models and experiments on interface friction (Kerans and Parthasarathy, 1991; Marshall, 1984; Marshall and Oliver, 1987; Parthasarathy et al., 1991) considered only residual stresses. The most comprehensive of such models includes anisotropy in the elastic constants and thermal expansivity of the fiber and is finding increasing use (Hutchinson and Jensen, 1990).

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