importance and risks of doing adventure sports
Importance and risks of doing adventure sports
Antoine de Saint-Exupery has beautifully said, ‘It is in the compelling zest of high adventure and of victory, and in creative action, that man finds his supreme joys.’ Importance of risk and adventure in man’s life is humongous. They instill in him self-belief, high self-esteem, and confidence. In the modern times a man without attraction for risk and adventure cannot survive. Invention, innovation, the joy of finding and doing something new lies beyond risk and adventure.
Adventure instinct is innate in man. The mischievous child, the risk-taking youth, the instinct to go beyond, all reflect it. No wonder man has inclination towards adventure sport! The adventure sports though appearing to be risky are full of thrill and excitement that have many benefits. As they are becoming more and more available, more and more people are experiencing the swashbuckling side of adventure sports. The contemporary generation of the youngsters, especially, the teenagers appear to be crazy about adventure sports. The adrenaline packed maneuvers provide such an extreme thrill that those who taste it once become addicted to it.
Man by natures is adventure seeking being; however, his fears don't him undertake the risky ventures. But once, he experiences the thrill and mind-blowing tingling of adrenaline rush in his veins while doing an adventure sports, no one can stop him from experiencing it more. This is the reason why the excitement seeking teenagers are crazy about doing adventure sports. If done after proper training and with caution, adventure sports have many benefits. High self esteem, adaptability, increased problem solving, unmatched physical fitness and agility are just a few of them.
A wide range of adventure sports is available now: bungee jumping, mountain climbing, sky-diving, para-gliding, sky-surfing' extreme-skiing, mountain-biking, kayaking, etc. The thrill one gets after climbing a steep mountain, or diving fast from a plane, the opening of parachute just a few hundred feet from earth's surface, can never be felt in any other activity. Adventure sports are becoming increasingly popular among the daredevil teenagers for the sheer excitement and thrill involved in them.
Importance of sports and games
Human life is full of work, stress and tension. To retain this tension and life a free life, we have sports and games. Sports refers to "Evolving in physical activity". Sports and games are very important for our personal and body development. Sports helps us to live a Fit and healthy life.
Playing sports and games make our body and mind fresh. Most important thing, our heart is strengthen after playing sports and games. Hence, Playing sports and games is one of the treatment for heart diseases. Playing sports increases our mind concentration and decision making capabilities more powerful. Our Brain is refreshed after playing sports and games.
As sports have our body's physical involvement, sports make our blood vessels clean and it reduces the fat from our body. Playing physical games also helps our body to reduce the proportion of blood from sugar. Which is very helpful preventive measure for diabetes and sugar patients.
Sports make our Heart, Lungs and External organs more strengthen. And, playing sports increases our breathing capacity ; Due to which, more oxygen is transferred in blood and more blood vessels are formed. Playing sports and games also make our Physical health fit. Our bones also get by playing sports and games.
Playing sports and games increases our self-confidence, Communication skill, Body figure. Sports are also helpful to take proper decisions in life and in harder situations ; Our life became more disciplined. Sports and games teaches us to dedicate patience , which is a very beneficial point. Sports also increases our Brain IQ, Thinking capacities, Concentration and various things related to brain.
There are some disadvantages of sports and games too. While playing games, our body may get harmed due to which, we can lead to serious health problems. Playing a games and sports lot can discontinues our studies and our regular life.
Sports and games are very necessary for living a healthy and fit life. But, today's people don't give there a bit of time to nature playing sports and games. Due to education, Children's are also going away from sports and games. In every school, there should be at-least 1 Hour for playing sports for students.
And, not only students, Young people have also totally discontinued sports from their life. If we regularly give our 1 Hour to sports and games, then we can live a fit and healthy life.
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