History, asked by shwetas5994, 10 months ago

Importance of gandhi's work is related to today's world


Answered by godofthunder
Gandhiji not only gave India its freedom but also gave the world and us a new thought on nonviolence and sustainable living.
His teachings and experiments are more valid today than ever before, especially when we are trying to find solutions to worldwide greed, corruption, violence and runaway consumptive lifestyle which are putting a very heavy burden on the world’s resources.
Through ages India has time and again given to the world a new thought. Thus Buddhism, Jainism, Yogic system, Sikhism are part of the great spiritual thought given by India from time to time.  Gandhiji’s message of nonviolence and sustainable living is a continuation of that long tradition.
To my mind Gandhiji’s greatest contribution to sustainable development was two fold.  Firstly his experiments in simple living and high thinking.  He believed that with simple living the resources of the planet earth can sustain us comfortably and his famous saying that earth provides us enough for our needs but not for our greed is extremely apt today. Secondly his insistence on all inclusive growth of the society and hence his focus on rural development. 

Gandhi’s spirituality:
Gandhiji was a highly evolved and spiritual human being. To him spirituality came first. Other things like politics, public lifeetc. were by-products of his spirituality. Also as a person progresses on the path of spirituality, his or her priorities in life change. The focus of life shifts more towards getting personal happiness through mental peace or by helping others and less on material needs, greed and desires. Gandhiji’s experiments on simple and sustainable living followed his own spiritual progress.   

He also realized from an early age the importance of a great body and mind. In this he was following the tenets of ancient Yogic system which stresses on a healthy body and a powerful mind. Thus all his experiments on food, brahmacharya (celibacy) and fasting came from this belief.  Besides he also realized that to fight a powerful enemy like Britain, he had to make his body-temple extremely powerful so that it could sustain long fights. This meant that it had to need least amount of comforts and external inputs and thus Gandhiji showed that with simple living he could produce the highest quality of thought. To my mind this was an ultimate example of sustainable living.  

The spirit of Bhagwad Gita’s Karma yoga guided him in his endeavors and he considered it as his duty to help his countrymen and fellow beings. There are many instances of people who saw his glowing skin, aura, and felt the presence of his personality whenever they met him.  That is only possible for a Yogi of very high order.

Once our basic needs are satisfied, all of us long for some meaningful existence.  Even the very rich are looking for some meaningful actions and purpose in their life.  Happiness cannot be obtained by money alone.  It only comes when there is some meaning to life.  That meaning, I feel comes from helping other less fortunate people and by giving back something to the society. As engineers and scientists we can do it by providing right-sized technologies at the right ‘price’ to the poor.  It is a doable goal.  What is needed is the direction and will of political leadership to make the life of poor people better.
I also believe that the whole purpose of our existence is to increase personal and societal infrastructure. Personal infrastructure includes our health, happiness and general well-being.  By improving our personal ‘infrastructure’ through spirituality, we become better human beings and it helps in our emotional growth and evolution.  By giving back to the society so that its ‘infrastructure’ increases we help in mankind’s evolution. Both these activities when carried out simultaneously, can give us great joy and satisfaction – a message that Gandhiji gave through his actual work and experiments.
Thus the mantra of India’s development should be spirituality with high technology. Both these things allow us to reduce our greed for resources and live in harmony with nature - something that Gandhiji preached intuitively all his life. 

mark as brainliest if it helps.....

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