Importance of impact of urbanization on environment
The urban heat island has become a growing concern and is increasing over the years. The urban heat island is formed when industrial and urban areas are developed and heat becomes more abundant. In rural areas, a large part of the incoming solar energy is used to evaporate water from vegetation and soil.
In cities, where less vegetation and exposed soil exists, the majority of the sun’s energy is absorbed by urban structures and asphalt. Hence, during warm daylight hours, less evaporative cooling in cities allows surface temperatures to rise higher than in rural areas.
Additional city heat is given off by vehicles and factories, as well as by industrial and domestic heating and cooling units. This effect causes the city to become 2 to 10° F (1 to 6° C) warmer than surrounding landscapes. Impacts also include reducing soil moisture and intensification of carbon dioxide emissions.
i. Slums and its consequences of overcrowding.
ii. Lack of sanitation,
iii. Poverty,
iv. Illiteracy,
v. Unemployment and
vi. Crime is the worst impact of urbanization.
vii. Global warming, air pollution, water scarcity and pollution and loss of forest cover, agricultural land and depletion of wildlife as a result of urban sprawl, pose serious threats to the environment.
viii. Urban areas suffer from serious problems of environmental pollution. There are high levels of air pollution and noise pollution due to industries and automobiles. Water is also polluted due to industrial wastewater discharge. Solid waste generation in urban areas is very high, and its proper disposal is a major problem.
ix. Proper sewerage facilities are often lacking in urban areas. In the crowded slums, the human waste is just deposited in gutters or vacant spaces, which become a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria spreading salmonella and hepatitis infections.In most of the cities heavy rainfall totally upsets the sewerage system.
x. Cities are warmer than villages. Due to lot of heat released by various types of human activities in cities, which get retained by built structures and then slowly released into the atmosphere there is creation of urban heat island. This problem can be partially tackled by growing green belts of trees.
xi. Urbanization also provides several benefits when there is a well-planned city with proper transportation and residential facilities, reducing pollution problems.
xii. Due to better access to health care, educational and social service facilities, infant mortality is less in cities.