Importance of monera kingdom
Prokaryote Cell Structure. Monerans are notable for their lack of a cell nucleus. However, they may have other internal and external structures. Nearly all bacteria have a rigid cell wall composed of cross-linked sugar molecules that serves to protect the organisms from their environment.
Bacteria are the sole members of the Kingdom Monera. They are the most
abundant micro-organisms. Bacteria occur almost everywhere. Hundreds
of bacteria are present in a handful of soil. They also live in extreme habitats
such as hot springs, deserts, snow and deep oceans where very few other
life forms can survive. Many of them live in or on other organisms as
Bacteria are grouped under four categories based on their shape: the
spherical Coccus (pl.: cocci), the rod-shaped Bacillus (pl.: bacilli), the
comma-shaped Vibrium (pl.: vibrio) and the spiral Spirillum (pl.: spirilla).