importance of political parties in a country explain
A healthy, resilient democracy is based on inclusiveness, which political parties and representative institutions are in a key position to safeguard. Yet parties are finding it harder to sustain an atmosphere of inclusiveness, particularly as women and youth are largely excluded from representative institutions. Younger generations are insufficiently represented in party membership, leadership and legislatures. Their marginalization from, and decreasing trust in, traditional party politics is of particular concern, as young people can make or break future models of representation.”[i]
In many countries, the relationship between youth and political parties is strained. Many young people do not trust political parties, while party leaders often complain that the youth are unwilling to get involved.
1) Every candidate in the election would be an independent candidate. Any individual candidate does not have the efficiency to promise any major policy change to the people. In such a scenario, no one will be responsible for how the country is run.
2) In the long run, only a representative democracy can survive. Political parties are the agencies that gather different views on various issues and present them to the government.