Importance of public administration in modern state
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Role of Public Administration in the ModernState
The critical role of public administration as defined by John Rohr (a leading scholar of the USConstitution and its relation to public administration and civil servants) is governing the society.The authors have also argued that a government can exist ithout a legislature! even ithout a "udiciary but never ithout administration. The government ill become as dysfunctional as alame horse in a derby race. #ublic administration as a part of $overnment has existed since thetime of the monarchies! ancient %ndia&s most prominent political scientist and economistChana'ya (*+, -C) in his treatise /rthashashtra0 dedicates substantial chapters toStatecraft or the public administration of a state.#ublic administration provides numerous services to the public and serves their interests in manyays. /s explained by 1elix / 2egro! the real core of administration is the basic service hich is performed for the public. %t is the administration hich ensures the security and protection of lifeand property of the members of the society by maintaining proper la and order.The economical! cultural and even spiritual progress for that matter0 of a society depends on the public administration. The day to day functioning of the $overnment machinery! external affairsand the most important of all! the national defense are the other important functions performed by the public administration of the country.
In the modern state, the role and scope of public administration is ever expanding and allencompassing
. 3e are ay past the laisse4*fare state hich as responsible for maintaining laand order only. The modern state hich expects government to provide much more has seen therole of public administration change dramatically! since those times.
The current role and functions adopted by public administration owes its origin to thechanges which the human history has witnessed in the last couple of centuries
. The firstimportant change as the industrial revolution hich resulted in the urbani4ation
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