Importance of Sanitization in 500 words.
Sanitation is important for all, helping to maintain health and increase life-spans. However, it is especially important for children. Around the world, over 800 children under age five die every day from preventable diarrhea-related diseases caused by lack of access to water, sanitation and hygiene.
Sanitation is important for all, helping to maintain health and increase life-spans. However, it is especially important for children. Around the world, over 800 children under age five die every day from preventable diarrhea-related diseases caused by lack of access to water, sanitation and hygiene. In addition, diarrhea causes children to lose their appetites, which can lead to malnourishment. Limited access to sanitation has become such a worldwide problem that 1 in every 4 children suffer from stunted growth. This leads to “irreversible physical and cognitive damage."
We mentioned that sanitizing is more important now than ever. Don't confuse cleaning with sanitizing. Sweeping, mopping, dusting, and wiping dirt and grime from your counters and other surfaces is a part of an important cleaning routine. Cleaning, however, does almost nothing to kill germs. Sanitizing reduces the growth of viruses, fungi, and types of harmful bacteria. You can clean every day, but you should always sanitize to keep your home or workplace safe. A product that sanitizes effectively greatly reduces all bacteria, not just a specific type. That's why sanitizing is one of the most essential components of the cleaning process in medical offices, senior care facilities, hospitals, food service businesses, schools, daycares, shopping malls, gymnasiums, and work environments of all types. Appropriate sanitizers will reduce microbiological contamination to levels that conform to local health regulations.
While we are currently social distancing and self-quarantining across the country, that doesn't mean we don't need to sanitize. Many of us are still going out to work. People still need to leave their homes to get supplies. Germs and bacteria can be brought back into your home after every trip you make to a public place, regardless of the precautions you take. That doesn't mean you can't reduce the risk of catching the coronavirus when you have to leave your home. For those who have to leave the home, it's important to follow the social distancing guidelines while you're out. Wear protective gear if you have it, avoid large gatherings of people, and maintain at least six feet between you and other people. This can help reduce the risk of you catching the virus. Sanitize your hands when you return before you start touching objects in your home.
If you're sick, the CDC recommends staying inside. They also recommend wiping surfaces that are frequently touched, including doorknobs, sink and toilet handles, tables, computers, TVs, desks, and other objects in the home that may have been touched. Because of the current overload on hospitals and medical facilities, the CDC recommends checking for a fever and then calling your doctor before you rush out to a hospital. If you are in a low-risk group and showing mild symptoms, you can recover at home. When it's possible, the infected person should be isolated in the home.