English, asked by devrajjayashree686, 11 months ago

importance of silence essay for 8th standard ICSE who reply me soon i will mark them as brainlliest


Answered by renug7411


Silence is a very profound and very mysterious subject. The very element of silence and the loss of silence, otherwise known as noise, or the effect of silence on things are outside of the known realities. Man can write a lifetime about silence and still only uncover the slightest truth about silence. Perhaps the most mysterious pathway of silence is that of the effects of nature.

Nature is the state of the world before and during the absence of man with all of his machines and buildings which shatter the natural silence of the world. The struggle between man and nature can be followed back to man's fear of silence. Man was created in silence and he hasn't been able or willing to return to the quiet stillness of his beginning. It seems as if he is frightened of the peace and stillness created by silence. Man can't live in a silent place, he needs noise to exist. Even at his best attempt to live in harmony with silence in nature he is still threatened by it.

There are several ways in which silence might affect the world of nature. Firstly, the all things are at their beginnings silent. The way this is perceived is though the images of silence. Images of the silence are like signs pointing the way to their source, as in a tree planted in the forest. The expectant stillness is part of nature's increasing presence in things. It can be said that, things are on the outer end of silence waiting for silence to find the tranquility of the moment.

At times it seems as if, nature is fighting against silence. Natures struggle is not quite as desperate as man's fight with silence. Nature must only disturb silence in order to accomplish certain things, like the change of seasons from the stillness of winter to the onset of spring. Only slightly more dramatic is the commencement of autumn from summer's seemingly endless tenure. The hibernation and period of dormancy preceding winter is in part the work of silence..

Answered by RAAZ34



What does silence mean?

Literally speaking, the word silence comes from the Latin word silens meaning to be still, quiet, or at rest. In English, it still maintains some of these meaning as most modern dictionaries define silence as the condition or quality of being or keeping still and silent, the absence of sounds, stillness or as a period of time without speech or noise.

However depending only on these definitions we just learn silence’s first fundamental sense. Hence the silence is more than the state of being silent; entire absence of sound or absolute stillness. The silence, this research paper is concerned about, is the silence that enhances concentration, promotes meditation and allows us to be in touch with our “inner”. In other words, the silence that has the power to get people to think and to act.

The word silence has become associated in our minds with passivity boring and inactivity. Moreover, we see silence as intrinsically dangerous, anti-social or abnormal. We fear and hate silence and we do everything possible to avoid it. In her book “A Book of Silence “, Sara Maitland stated*:

“instant and constant verbal communication is experienced not so much as a pleasure, but as a necessity. Background music, even in shopping malls where there is already a great deal of noise, so that no one can actually hear the music, is ubiquitous. The length of an acceptable silent pause on the radio has been reduced steadily over the last decade. Silence in public places, like libraries or churches, is increasingly considered oppressive rather than valuable. The silence of mourning is being replaced by cheering”.

In this statement, Sara Maitland has tried to draw our attention to our strange fear-hate relationship with silence. She gives us some habits that we unconsciously used to do in the everyday life to avoid silence.

Sara Maitland has also noticed that people try to fill the void of silence with needless chatter, with TV, with Music, with noise of some kind. She noticed that Silence has become disconcerting and make people feel uncomfortable and alone, that’s why -according to Sara Maitland- the world is filled with TV’s that have been left on when nobody is watching it, for just a background noise.

Yet people forget that the great forces, by which we live, are silent. The vast immensity of space is silent, because sound waves, unlike light or radio waves, cannot travel through a vacuum. Gravity electricity, the warmth of sunlight, the turning of the tides are all silent. Organic growth, life itself, the division of cells is silent. Society just forgets about these facts, Sara added.

To sum up we could say that we hate or fear silence because we do not perceive its true meaning. Silence is not a mere absence of sounds or noises, it is more than that. Silence is a natural phenomenon that could be a source of creative energy that we should all use and benefit from it rather than simply avoiding it.

*Sara Maitland is an English writer. Born in 1950, she grew up in Galloway, studied at Oxford University and currently tutors on the Distance Learning MA in creative writing for Lancaster University and is the Mentor Co-ordinator for Crossing Borders. She has undertaken writer residencies at HMP Ashwell and at Lincoln Cathedral

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