CBSE BOARD XII, asked by NeelamDevi7120280, 1 year ago

importance of staffing​


Answered by rohitsharma2k613


#BAL There can be a variety of answers. You can say it’s the right amount of investment, the most eloquent equipment and technology, the modern facilities and infrastructure and the list goes on. But the most critical element that makes a company successful is its people. All these physical attributes will mean nothing if the people working in it doesn’t have the right attitude to do the job.

For example, your business is a five-star hotel. You have all the best facilities and the most modern rooms, but your staffs are rude and unprofessional. What do you think will your client remember?

In another case, you are a two-star hotel. Your facilities are not so world class, but your staff willingly assisted your clients. What do you think will your client remember?

The situation above tells us that physical infrastructures will mean nothing if your people cannot offer quality service. This tells us the importance of choosing the right people for the job.

Why is staffing important?

Staffing is important because it is the process by which you look for the people who best match the job description of an available position in the company.

Being able to hire the right person for the job would mean being able to maximize the potential of that person in performing his/her role in the company. The maximization of this potential proves to be a good return on investment.


Answered by queensp73

Hello !

Importance of Staffing

(i) Filling the roles by obtaining competent personal

(ii) Placing right person at the right job

(iii) Growth of enterprise

(iv) Optimum utilisation of human resources

(v) Helps in competing

(vi) Improves job satisfaction and morale of employees

(vii) Key to effectiveness of other functions

Hope It Helps u :)

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