importance of time in youth
The child, devoid as it is of personal experience, can, by turning that of others to good account, make up for the deficiencies of its youth, and prepare for the future without having to learn in the severe school of self-experience. But, through an unfortunate occurrence of circumstances, and very often without any fault of theirs, the greater part of children attain the age of manhood and womanhood without having reaped the precious advantages offered them by the first stage of life, when the soul is most susceptible of receiving the impress of grace and virtue. A vitiated or inadequate primitive education, bad example, pernicious instruction? perchance, or at least personal levity of character, combined with that of childhood, deprive this age of many advantages, and call for a total reparation of the past, at a period of life that should be the living figure of hope.
Happy, indeed, are those who have only the levity and negligence of childhood to repair, and who have never felt the crushing weight of a humiliating and grievous fault! Alas! that purity, that innocence so common formerly among children, is every day disappearing from their midst, many among them have become the victims of sin ere the passions of the heart manifested their presence; and their hearts have quivered from the sting of remorse ere they felt the perfidious luring of pleasure. Many have received from sin that doleful experience, that premature craftiness, which, far from enlightening the mind, obscures and blinds it, -- which, far from fortifying the will, enfeebles and enervates it.
Importance of time
Time is one of the most important thing and most valuable thing in the universe. The all universe is dependent upon the time. If there is no existence of time, then there is nothing. This universe is a 3 dimensional which we can see. But, the time is very different, Time is a 4 dimensional. Time is the most valuable thing in the world. Nothing can buy a time!
Time always goes forward, It doesn't moves backward. The time is a very valuable thing. Once, the time goes, it can be never get backed. No one can go their past and change their life. Because, time doesn't moves backward. The past time can be never retrieved.
Everything in the universe is just because of existence of time. Nothing happens before time. Everything needs a time to be done. Without the existence of time, it's impossible for any event in the universe. A bit of second is also a very valuable. A existence of time is very necessary for the existence of any matter in the universe.
Most of the people in the today's world gives their value to the money. All the people in the today's world think that, Nothing is valuable than money. But, money also cannot buy a single second of time. Time is precious and very valuable. Even, the most richest people in the world cannot buy a time of 1 second. Once, the time passes, it never backs. Time is very precious. We should always try to save our time. Time, Is very important for everything.
We should always manage our time in such a way that, our no time should be wasted in the unnecessary things. One with the management of the time is a successful person. To get a success in a life and to be a great personality, one must always learn to manage the time.
Today in this technological era, everyone lives the useless life. This people don't have the value of time, This people don't have time management plans, they wastes their time everywhere. This people are no one, but they are those people who are unsuccessful people in the world. And later, what they achieve by wasting time ?. Nothing!.
As a student, one must always try to manage his/her time in order to become a good student and achieve the best marks. The age of students is just like a test. In this age, students have lot of time. The thing that they have to learn and apply in their life is "Time management".
Employees, workers, teachers and everyone should have the value of time in order to do our work great. If one will focus on their work, then the more time will be saved and this will help them to do their best in their life. A life without the "Time management" is very boring, useless, meaningless.
If we read the biographies of a great and successful people, then we will come to know that, this people always gives the importance to their time. The great personalities which are the most successful today, always gave the importance to the time. They always manages their time and they don't waste the time.
Time is really very precious and priceless. No one can buy it or even no one can stop the time. Time always goes forward. Our human life is of 70-80 years, person who will always gives importance to time and always manage his/her time will be a successful person and live a happy life. We should, always gives importance to the time and save our time.
Time cannot be reversed. Once the time passes, it can be never backed. We cannot go in our past to correct our mistakes and do whatever we want. Because, time never backs. It is really very precious. We should always do Time management in order to live a proper life.
The great personalities and successful people always keeps their sight on the watch. And, they are aware about the passing of time. Time should be used properly, should be saved and time should be always managed.
People must have value of time in their hearts. Time never stops it passes continuously. It is very easy to pass our time, but, if it had to be retrieved again, then it's impossible. At last, we can say that, Time is a greatest resource that which we have. It should be properly managed and used properly.