English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Importance(Relevance) of equality and unity in Democracy.

Word limit (350-400)


Answered by kvnmurty
         Importance and Relevance of equality and unit in Democracy

     Democracy is a method by which people of a community or nation choose how they live together and manage their community as a whole. Democracy is said to be "of the people" , "by the people" and "for the people".  Some good concepts that we choose as our aims in our constitution are, "fraterné", "eqalité" and "libértie".

    Further in many constitutions a lot of importance is given to social welfare, secularism and some ideas of socialism.

    The main idea of all that is that all citizen should have equal opportunity for education, earning, making a provision for residence, access to food, water and so on. Then only people in democracy can be happy.

    When people are not all not treated equally, certain sections exploit the others. Practical examples are bonded labour, devdasi system, untouchability etc. Obviously we don't want these. If some people have more power than the other, then society will be very unbalanced. Revolution will be its consequence at one point of time.

     Unity is very important after democracy is put in practice. Often there are very conflicting issues that come up.  Farmers or textile workers may have problems due to some reason. In order to be able to voice themselves, they need to stand together. Unity among all of them is necessary to be able to firmly voice their demands. So government will solve their problems.

     In a country like India, unity is even more important. India has several different regions having their own cultures, language and living habits. There are differences among the neighbours due to sharing of river waters, jobs power and settlements. Further there are different religions with some reasons to be against each other.

    The union of states or regions runs with a single power control at the center. It happens that some regions are at an advantage over the other. This situation requires that unity is maintained among all different factions and parties.  Otherwise, there could be internal civil wars. That only leads to national crisis.

     As a nation popularly respected as Unity in Diversity, the good future of the nation is in coexisting in harmony and peace.  If there is no unity among all regions to take decisions of national importance, then the entire country comes to a standstill. This is not what we want.

kvnmurty: :-)
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