important list of inventions and discoveries
2) James Watt and the steam engine
3) Eli withney and the cotton gin
4)Elisha Otis and the elevator
5)Thomas Edison and the light bulbs
6) Guglielmo Marconi and the radio
7)Henry Ford and the car
8)The wright brothers and the airplane
9)Philo fransworth and the T.V.
10) Bills Gates and the graphical user interface.
Adding Machine Pascal
Aeroplane Wright brothers
Air Brake George Westinghouse
Air Pump Otto von Guericke
Airship (rigid) G. Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
Aniline Dyes Hoffman
Antiseptic Surgery Lord Joseph Lister
Arc Lamp C. F. Brush
Archimedean Screw Archimedies
Atom Neils Bohr
Atomic Number Mosley
Atomic Physics Enrico Fermi
Atomic Structure Bohr and Rutherford
Atomic Theory Dalton
Automatic gearbox Hermann Fottinger
Automobile Daimler
Automobiles using gasoline Karl Benz
Avogadro’s Hypothesis Avogadro
Bacteriology Robert Koch
Bacteriophage Max Delbruck
Bakelite Leo H Baekeland
Balloon Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier
Ball-Point Pen John J. Loud
Barometer Evangelista Torricelli
Behaviorism B. F. Skinner
Beri – Beri Eijkman
Bicycle Kirkpatrick Macmillan
Bicycle Tyre J.B. Dunlop
Bifocal Lens Benjamin Franklin
Binomial Nomenclature Carl Linnaeus
Biogenetic Principle Ernst Haeckel
Bismuth Valentine
Blood Circulation Harvey
Blood Groups Karl Landsteiner
Bomb Edward Teller
Boson S.N.Bose
Boyle’s law Boyle
Braille Louis Braille
Breaking up the Nucleus of an atom Rutherford
Calculating machine Pascal
Camera George Eastman
Carburetor Gottlieb Daimler
Carburettor Gottlieb Daimler
Cash register William Burroughs
Cell Doctrine Rudolf Virchow
Celluloid A.Parker
Cement Joseph Aspdin
Cenema A.L. and J.L. Lumiere
Centrigrade scale A. Celsius
Chemical Structure August Kekule
Chemotherapy Paul Ehrlich
Child Development Jean Piaget
Chloroform James Harrison and James Young Simpson
Cholera Bacillus Robert Koch
Chromosomal Theory of Heredity Thomas Hunt Morgan
Chronometer John Harrison
Cine camera Friese-Greene
Cinematograph Thomas Alva Edison
Cinematography Thomas Alva Edison
Circulation of the Blood William Harvey
Classical Field Theory Michael Faraday
Clock (machanical) Hsing and Ling-Tsan
Clock (pendulum) C. Hugyens
Coloured Photography Lippman
Computer Charles Babbage
Continental Drift Alfred Wegener
Cosmic Rays R.A.Millikan
Crescograph J.C.Bose
Crystal Dynamics C.V.Raman
Cyclotron Lawrence
D.D.T. Dr.Paul Muller
Deciphering the genetic code Dr.Hargobiad Khorana
Deuterium (Heavy Water) H.C.Urey
Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel
Diesel Oil Engine Rudolf Diesel
Difference engine Charles Babbage
Electrons J.J.Thomson
Laws of Planetary Motion Kepler
North Pole Robert Peary (1909)
Solar System Copernicus (1540)
South Pole Amundson (1912)
Specific Gravity Archimedes
West Indies Columbus (1492)
Drinker’s Chamber of Iron Lung Dr.Philip Drinker
Dynamical theory of Heat Lord Kelvin
Dynamite Alfred B. Nobel
Dynamo Michael Faraday
Effect of Pressure on trough bodies Meghnad Saha
Eightfold Way Murray Gell-Mann
Electric Battery Alessandro Volta
Electric Flat Iron H. W. Seeley
Electric Furnace William Siemens
Electric Generator Michael Faraday
electric guitar Adolph Rickenbacker
Electric iron H.W. Seeley
Electric Lamp Thomas Alva Edison
Electric Measurement Gauss
Electric Motor (AC) Nikola Tesla
Electric razor Jacob Schick
Electrical Waves Heitz
Electricity Faraday
Electromagnet William Sturgeon
Electromagnetic Field James Clerk Maxwell
Electromagnetic Theory Maxwell
Electron Joseph J. Thomson
Electron Theory Bohr
Electronic Computer Dr. Alan M. Turing
Elevator Elisha G. Otis
Energy of the Sun Hans Bethe
Equal sign (=)? Robert
¶Hope it helps