Social Sciences, asked by nabitha, 1 year ago

important points on french revolution


Answered by SamratSingh1
Prelude to the French Revolution: Monarchy in Crisis. ...

The French Revolution at Versailles: Rise of the Third Estate. ...

The French Revolution Hits the Streets: The Bastille and the Great Fear. ...

The French Revolution's Political Culture: Drafting a Constitution. ...

The French Revolution Turns Radical: Terror and Revolt.

Answered by Vanshika08112003
Hi friend,

→ Storming the Bastille
July 14th, 1789. There had been a rumor that the king had been planning a military coup against the national Assembly. The people decided to defend their city and marched to the Bastille prison for gunpowder. The governor of the prison refused them, so they fought until the prison surrendered. This saved the National Assembly. Is now called the "Bastille Day" and is France's Independence Day.

→ Women's march on Versailles
On October 5, 1789 an angry mob of Parisian women stormed through Versailles demanding Louis XVI end the nationwide food shortage and that the royal family return to Paris with them.

→ Meeting of the Estates General
meeting that opened at Versailles on May 5, 1789 to discuss political and economic reforms; $$$ cash problems, need of taxes, each estate had 1 vote, third estate wanted each deputy to have a vote

→ National Assembly
3rd estate declaration that it was the only true govt. in france

→ Tennis Court Oath
A pledge made by the members of France's National Assembly in 1789, in which they vowed to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution

→ Great Fear
A wave of senseless panic that spread through the French countryside after the storming of the Bastille in 1789

→ Declaration of the Rights of Man
Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution. Claimed equal rights for men and access to public office based on talent, not status

→ Civil Constitution of the Clergy
bishops and priests were to be elected by the people and paid by the state. The french government now controlled the church, Many catholics became enemies of the revolution.

→ flight of Louis XVI
A failed attempt by King Louis XVI to get out of France with his family to Austria

→ beheading of Louis XVI
The Mountains voted and beheaded King Louis XVI using the gullotine in order to start a revolution in France

→ Invasion of France by Austria
brother of queen marie antoinettte invaded france to restore marie and louis to power

→ Reign of Terror
(1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed for "disloyalty" peasants and persons who opposed the sans cullotes were killed.

→ Napoleon's seizure of power
a coup d'etat, sudden overthrow of the gov't, led by powerful military general, Napolean Bonaparte, toppled the Directory and Napolean seized power.

→ Trafalgar
Britain's Admiral Nelson destroyed the combined French and Spanish navies. Nelson was killed but invasion of Britain now became impossible.

→ Invasion of Russia
Napoleon's most disastrous military campaign. Russian winter forced Napoleon to retreat, lead to his downfall. RUSSIANS LIT EVERYTHING ON FIRE AND FRENCH WERE LEFT HUNGRY AND CRIPPLED

→ Exile to Elba
-Napoleon exiled here after invasion of Russia failed

→ Exile to St. Helena
After falling at the hands of the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was exiled to a barren island in the South Atlantic so he could not escape, DIED

→ Waterloo
The site of Napoleon's defeat by British and Prussian armies led by the Duke of Wellington in 1815, which ended his last bid for power

→ Congress of Vienna
(1814-1815 CE) Meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon.

→ September Massacres
Louis's imprisonment was followed by the September massacres. Wild stories seized the city that imprisoned counter-revolutionary aristocrats/priests were plotting with the allied invaders. As a results, angry crowds invaded the prisons of Paris and summarily slaughtered half the men and women they found.

→ French and Indian War
(1754-1763) War fought in the colonies between the English and the French for possession of the Ohio Valley area. The English won.

→ American Revolution
This political revolution began with the Declaration of Independence in 1776 where American colonists sought to balance the power between government and the people.

Hope this helps you....
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