Biology, asked by katochpooja91, 6 months ago

important river in India. You tell me
Joseph: Let's practise Name
We als
bad egy
what we mean. Fo
of our school, the driver of the
We use the' when we write or talk about
person or thing of which there is only one
For example: the sun, the sky, the Ganges
1. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the to complete this conversation
general knowledge test?
Joseph: Are we having
Lalit: Of course. It is on Thursday
important river
Jamuna and
Ganges is
names of two more rivers.
Joseph: That's
Lalit: What about mountains?
easy answer​


Answered by ponprapanjanprabhu


sorry iam could not understand this question

Answered by hansbupi


a, an, The, an, the an, the, the, the an, a, a, an

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