importantamce of wheel
Answer: The wheel has become an integral part of our life. We are exposed every day in one way or the other. It is used in almost every means connected with traffic like motorcycles, cars, buses and trains. The wheel may be a round looking thing, but it would not be wrong to say that it has changed our world. It is certainly one of the biggest discoveries in human history.
According to history, the wheel was discovered by man itself, but which person has this interesting question, which no one has the right answer. Yes, there is a lot of speculation about its discovery.
Over time, the use of the wheel is becoming important for humans. Everywhere from traffic to business the wheel is hit. This is an invention made by mankind, which seems difficult to break in the future. Still hope that we will get other such inventions from the scientists of the country.
A wheel is a circular object that, together with axle, rolls easily. They are first widely used for transport. Wheel can mean lots of other circular objects that turn, like a steering wheel and flywheel. The engine is the is the power source for the wheels on a car. But the rem useful technology because it reduces friction. When having no wheel, people could use a travel that partly slides on the ground. After a brief sting of using the wheel for pottery, someone used two wheels to form a cart. He made is from the trunk of a tree, which was joined by axle that was fastened to a platform of wood. Gradually, to spoke wheel was invented in around 2000 BC, which considerably reduced the weight of the wheel. Wheel is a wonderful invention and added the wings of mobility of our daily life.