CBSE BOARD XII, asked by aanvisinha, 3 months ago

Importantance of tournaments


Answered by Arushwarrior340


tournaments help in making and developing the technical and tactical skills of a player or team and the game as a whole

Answered by disharaj647


Importance of Tournament: Tournaments are important in the field of sports. The tournaments are not only significant to the players but to the coaches and physical education teachers also. i Development of sports skills: By participating in tournaments sportspersons do not develop only technical skills of the sports but also the tactical skills. ii Helpful in selection of players: On the basis of tournaments good players can be selected by observing their performance in a tournament. iii Popularity and publicity of sports: Tournaments are helpful in publicizing the sports. It creates interest in that sport. iv A source of recreation: Sports tournaments provide ample recreation to the spectators. v Development of social qualities: Social traits such as tolerance sympathy cooperation group cohesion etc are developed among participants through sports tournaments. vi Development of national and international integration: Sports tournaments are helpful in developing national integration as well as international unity and brotherhood.

hope it will helpful to you!!!!!!!

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