Computer Science, asked by thoratjayashri91, 5 months ago

improves transparency between the government and citizens.​


Answered by bharathukkusuri



us at the Accountability Lab, the terms government transparency, citizen participation, and open government are tools to connect citizens with power-holders and build feedback loops. When citizens have access to government information and know how to use it to hold government accountable, they can break cycles of systemic corruption and set a new standard of integrity. We believe that a lack of accountability is at the root of almost all development challenges, including poverty, inequality, and violence. Without the accountability tools of transparency, citizen participation, and open government, state funds are embezzled, resources are not used efficiently, citizens voices are not heard, and basic needs are not met. A couple of the tools we've helped create towards this cause are: billboards at busy intersections on which citizen journalists provide information on government services in a way that citizens can understand, and accountability-focused film schools that teach youth how to create documentaries about issues in their communities and then hosts film festivals where community members and government stakeholders attend and discuss the issues. However, as members of the OpenGov Hub in Washington DC and founders of the OpenGov Hub in Kathmandu, we have realized that acheiving real and sustainable government transparency, citizen participation, and open government requires a variety of perspectives and extensive collaboration.

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