in a city 30% are females, 40 % are males are remaining are children what percent are children ?
the correct answer is 3rupees
30% (if you're not going deep into the result and conditions)
Step-by-step explanation:
1- 30% females + 40% males = 70% total population [out of 100%]
2- 100%-70% = 30% (which is the percent of children in that city)
Considering that both the male and females were Adults in their respective Percentages i.e 30% and 40%
Common Misunderstanding:
Now, if you consider the fact that the males and females are a universal word So, they may include children too.
Because children can be male and female as well.
- The answer can't be found then.
This can be a common misunderstanding by the reader. And should be understood that the one who asked the question, wanted you to consider the 30% Females and 40% Males as Adults.