in a dynamic analysis of robot the moment of inertia is used?
In previous chapters, we studied the kinematic position and differential motions of
robots. In this chapter, we will look at the dynamics of robots as it relates to acceler-
ations, loads, and masses and inertias. We will also study the static force relation-
ships of robots.
As you remember from your dynamics course, to be able to accelerate a mass,
we need to exert a force on it. Similarly, to cause an angular acceleration in a rotat-
ing body, a torque must be exerted on it (Figure 4.1), as in
and 2: T = I· a. (4.1)
To be able to accelerate a robot's links, it is necessary to have actuators that
are capable of exerting large enough forces and torques on the links and joints to
move them at a desired acceleration and. velocity. Otherwise, tbe link may not be
moving fast enough, and thus the robot will lose its positional accuracy. To be able
to calculate how strong each actuator must be, it is necessary to determine the dy-
namic relationships that govern the motions of the robot. These equations are the
force-mass-acceleration and the torque-inertia-angular acceleration relation-
ships. Based on these equations and considering the external loads on the robot, the
designer can calculate the largest loads to which the actuators may be subjected and
thereby design the actuators to be able to deliver the necessary forces and torques.
In general, the dynamic equations may be used to find the equations of motion
of mechanisms. This means that knowing the forces and torques, one can figure out
how a mechanism will move. However, in our case, we have already found the equa-
tions of motions; besides, it is practically impossible to solve the dynamic equations