Physics, asked by swanny, 1 year ago

In a freely falling body what is constant?

QGP: For a freely falling body, the first thing that's constant is it's acceleration. But that's when you neglect air resistance
QGP: When you consider air resistance, then there exists a viscous force, a resistive force opposing motion. It is directly proportional to the speed of the body
QGP: So, as body falls farther, it's speed increases, so resistive force increases and acceleration decreases
QGP: There finally comes a moment when the resistive force finally balances the gravitational force
QGP: At this point, the body starts moving with constant velocity, called the terminal velocity
QGP: Thus, after some time, the acceleration of the freely falling body becomes zero, and it's speed becomes constant


Answered by duragpalsingh
Hey there!

In a freely falling body acceleration is constant. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity at a unit time.

Here, it means when a body is falling freely to the ground then the velocity of that body will change at the constant rate. 

Hope it helps you!

Answered by dainvincible1
In a freely falling body acceleration remains constant.
 acceleration is the rate of change of velocity of an object with respect to time

Si unit of acceleration = m/s², m·s⁻², m s⁻²

any object's average acceleration over a period of time is its change in velocity which is then divided by the duration of the period
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