Biology, asked by tavutamkarthik143, 8 months ago

In a habitation, if the number of insects reduced in large number what is the effect shown on
other organisms ?​


Answered by MuhammdAslam


Insects are directly beneficial to humans by producing honey, silk, wax, and other products. Indirectly, they are important as pollinators of crops, natural enemies of pests, scavengers, and food for other creatures.Although it's impossible to say exactly what would happen if all insects on Earth suddenly vanished, it's likely that civilization and ecosystems would be in serious trouble. Nitrogen-rich feces would potentially build up, choking plant life and preventing new growth.The total biomass of insects vastly outstrips the mass of all vertebrates so insects are a vital part of most food webs. Without insects for them to eat, we would lose most reptiles and amphibians and about half of all the bird species.most of us would starve to death. Approximately 80 percent of all Earth plants are angiosperms, or flowering plants, that require pollination from either bees, butterflies or other pollinating insects. ... Without these pollinators, most plant life on Earth would disappear.

Answered by upadhyay2468


1)  Climate change and habitat loss are some of the main causes of the decline in insect populations.

2) They provide important ecosystem services to food and fibre production, through actions such as pollination, nutrient cycling and control of pest insects.

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