Chemistry, asked by patelsaurin5408, 1 year ago

In a mild steel oxygen cylinder what is the pressure and its form


Answered by Hitler008

0Hard-Surfacing,BuildingFusionWeldingCarbonWeldingNon-FerrousMetalsHeating& HeatTreatingBrazeWeldingWeldingCast IronWeldingFerrousMetalsBrazing&SolderingEquipmentSet-UpOperationEquipmentForOXY-AcetStructureofSteelMechanicalPropertiesof MetalsOxygen&AcetyleneOXY-AcetFlamePhysicalPropertiesof MetalsHow SteelsAreClassifiedExpansion&ContractionPrepForWeldingOXY-AcetWelding& CuttingSafetyPracticesManualCuttingOxygenCutting ByMachineAppendicesTesting&Inspecting 18In an oxygen cylinder there is a precise relationship between cylinder pressure and cylinder contents. A standardoxygen cylinder that contains 244 cf at 2200 psi and 700 (6.5 m3 at 15200 kPa at 200C) will contain 122 cf (3.25 m3)when the pressure has dropped to 1100 psi at 700F (7600 kPa at 200C). In the dissolved acetylene cylinder, therelationship between pressure and remaining acetylene content is less precise. An acetylene cylinder is notprecisely half-full when its pressure has dropped to 125 psi (half the pressure of a full cylinder). If the cylindertemperature is 700F (200C), the amount of acetylene remaining in the cylinder is slightly less than half the ”full”content. However, change in temperature affects the pressure in an acetylene cylinder at a much faster rate than itaffects the pressure in an oxygen cylinder. Pressure in an oxygen cylinder will go up or down only about 4 percentfor each 20-degree change in temperature (F) from 70 deg. A full acetylene cylinder which has a pressure of 250psi at 700F (1725 kPa at 20 C) will have a pressure of 315 psi at 900F (2175 kPa at 310C) and a pressure of 190psi at 500 F (1300 kPa at 90C). You must always take temperature into account when estimating how muchacetylene the cylinder contains.

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