Computer Science, asked by maalika375, 5 months ago

In a multi-button mouse, one button must be designated as the button.

a. first

b. left

c. primary

d. user​


Answered by khushic569


In a multi-button mouse, one button must be designated as the button.

b. left

Answered by jaya8765


In a multi-button mouse, one button must be designated as the LEFT button.


The Left Button:

The left button on a mouse is the default button used to click, select, drag to feature a word as well as item and utilized as a pointer.


To open a record or program

Place the mouse pointer over the document or program you wish to send off and double tap on the left mouse button rapidly.

NOTE: If you click gradually you won't send off the record or program you wish to utilize.

To choose and feature an article or text

To choose one item or symbol on your screen, press the left button of your mouse once while the pointer is situated on the ideal article you wish to choose. The article will then be featured.

Anyway assuming you wish to choose various records or text, press the left button on your mouse and drag the pointer over the documents or text you wish to choose. This will feature numerous records or text.

To choose a word double tap the left button on your mouse rapidly (as you did you before to send off a document or program) while the pointer is position on the word you might want to choose. The word will then, at that point, be featured.

To choose a sentence, triple-click with the left button on your mouse toward the beginning of the sentence. This will then feature everything in that sentence.

To move

To drag an article and spot it somewhere else select the thing you wish to move to a substitute region by squeezing the left button on your mouse once. This will feature the item.

Then, at that point, while as yet clutching the left mouse button, move your mouse to the area you would like the item to be and deliver the left button on the mouse. The item will presently be set in the new region.

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